

“ときめきを届ける”女の子向け情報メディア、『Lafary(ラファリー)』が手掛ける通販サイト『Lafary Shop(ラファリーショップ)』❤︎ 量産型ヲタクさんや地雷系の女の子にぴったりなアクセサリーなどのファッション小物やサンリオキャラクターの雑貨やインテリアを販売しています❤︎

♡A new column by artist Nemuneru, perfect for sweets lovers 


Hello, I’m Nemuneru❣
I will be regularly writing this series for Lafary! 😍
I love eating, so I will be writing about my favourite sweets……🍰💞Lol


In this cold season, I love to eat chocolate sweets from the Conbini 🍫❤
With that, I will be introducing you to my favourites! ☺


First up is Lawson’s Cream Chocolate Crepe (w/ choco chips)💗🍫

This thin dough crepe is filled with thick cream and chocolate ❤
The balance of whipped cream and chocolate will leave you drooling.. 😍
The chocolate chips are a bonus!⭐

♡Seven Eleven♡

Next is the Milk Tea Gateau Chocolat from Seven Eleven 🍴🎂

This elegant cake has two layers ✨
The lower sponge portion has a combination of gateaux chocolat and earl grey, so when you take a bite your mouth fi~lls with the tea fragrance…😍🎂

♡Family Mart♡

Lastly is Family Mart’s Roasted Green Tea Cream Chocola 🍵


The underdog of sweets(?!) is roasted green tea (Hōjicha)!🙈🍵
In the chill~y winter, you can huddle underneath a warm kotatsu with winter sweets ❤
The combination of the fragrant Hōjicha and the sweet chocolate is wonderful 😊

What did you think..? This time I introduced various sweets from the convenience store (Conbini)💞
Whether you’ve tried these sweets or not, I hope you still enjoyed my review 🐰🎀
Let’s get through this cold winter with yummy sweets❣

Thank you for reading until the end✨
I wonder what kind of sweets we’ll look at next time〜?🍰🍬


An lolita fashion illustrator with a girly world-view.

Currently accepting work requests.(



“ときめきを届ける”女の子向け情報メディア、『Lafary(ラファリー)』が手掛ける通販サイト『Lafary Shop(ラファリーショップ)』❤︎




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