

“ときめきを届ける”女の子向け情報メディア、『Lafary(ラファリー)』が手掛ける通販サイト『Lafary Shop(ラファリーショップ)』❤︎ 量産型ヲタクさんや地雷系の女の子にぴったりなアクセサリーなどのファッション小物やサンリオキャラクターの雑貨やインテリアを販売しています❤︎

Harajuku’s secret toy store…♡

We visited Omochaya SPIRAL, an American toy and import store in Harajuku ❤


The owner visits America every few months to handpick toys for the store, stocking both vintage and imported goods 🐰💕

If you’re a fan of American toys, then this is the store for you 💖🇺🇸
Perhaps you’ll find some treasure in SPIRAL…?

♡A toy-covered world…

My Little Pony toys are known for their large eyes and colourful hair 💖
It’s possible that some of the ponies here are the only of their kind in Japan…🌈
Try and find a new pony friend in SPIRAL 🌟

They also stock a variety of fashion dolls 💖
With Barbie and Monster High, there are all kinds of adorable toys waiting for you✨

You can even find Polly Pockets!
These compacts were loved by little girls around the world 💖
The tiny world of Polly Pocket will make your heart race 🎀

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live in one of these houses? 🏠💖
These adorable dolls houses come in the cutest colours✨

The walls are lined with toys🌟

♡So soft and squishy! My Friends~

Don’t you want to hug them all!?
They look soft and cute, just like babies 💖

These stuffed unicorns look like they could be found in your dreams ♡ The large bears at the back are cute too…
Maybe you’ll fall asleep with these soft toys 🌟🍓

There are pure white stuffed bears too🐻❤
But it’s hard to pick just one…!🎀

Puppies, kittens, and bears 🎀
Which one is the toy for you…?✨

♡Unique & Kawaii Imported Goods

Colourful and cute!😻🌈
Don’t you just want to collect all of these candy heart straps?💖

Vivid red heart-shaped pots❤
They’ll brighten up your Instagram photos too 🐻

These yumekawaii heart cushions are decked out with frills💜
Try placing them in your room for an instant girly touch! 

This unique band-aids are decorated with food motifs 😻🍰
Doesn’t it feel like they would remove the pain from any injury!?

♡Follow Omochaya SPIRAL online!






❤Official Website


♡Find your treasure…

You’ll fall in love with this fancy toy store 💖
Each item is one-of-a-kind✨

Whether you’re an avid vintage collector or you’re more of a casual fan, why not try visiting SPIRAL?🎀

Official Homepage
❤Address: 〒150-0001  Tokyo, Shibuya, Jingumae 3-27-17, Nagata Building A1
❤Opening Hours:12:00〜20:00 (Irregular Holidays)

※Photography is forbidden in-store.🐻
※Photographed items may sell out. Please be aware.


“ときめきを届ける”女の子向け情報メディア、『Lafary(ラファリー)』が手掛ける通販サイト『Lafary Shop(ラファリーショップ)』❤︎




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