

“ときめきを届ける”女の子向け情報メディア、『Lafary(ラファリー)』が手掛ける通販サイト『Lafary Shop(ラファリーショップ)』❤︎ 量産型ヲタクさんや地雷系の女の子にぴったりなアクセサリーなどのファッション小物やサンリオキャラクターの雑貨やインテリアを販売しています❤︎

Like stepping into a picture book…🍀

Jiyūgaoka-based handmade sundries store “MIKKE”

MIKKE お店の前0

Today we’ll be showing you around MIKKE, a handmade sundry store which stocks items by over 300 creators!
The store is just a three minute walk away from Jiyugaoka station, and is easily spotted thanks to it’s green garden exterior♡



The wall is painted bright pink♡
MIKKE is short for “I found something wonderful!” in Japanese 💝
Let’s check out the inside!♡

MIKKE ラベンダーブーケ00

MIKKE’s interior is split into four different styles!💜
When you first enter the shop, you’ll be met by a lush, green space ♡

Let’s check out some of their pick-up items💕

Find your own “Kawaii” with MIKKE’s four areas💝

🌈Rainbow Dream🌈

MIKKE レインボードリーム02

This area is so cute~!
The Rainbow Dream area is filled with cute accessories 🌈

MIKKE レインボー

Look up and you’ll find a sky,
Lit up by fluffy clouds♡
There’s something new everywhere you look🎵

MIKKE ファンシー イヤリング

Your heart won’t stop racing…💝
This area is packed with fancy yumekawaii items!

MIKKE レインボードリーム

There are over 600 shelves to explore,
And most of the items are one-of-a-kind…

💚Lavender Book💚

MIKKE ラベンダーブーケ

A warm green area covered in trees…

MIKKE くまのぬいぐるみYou can find stuffed animals in this area♡

MIKKE 作家作品

Make sure to carefully explore each shelf…💎✨

MIKKE 内装03


These amazing shelves are suspended from the ceiling!


Even the windows are cute♡
Why not try picking a present for a friend?

MIKKE ファンシー01

We spotted some candy heart themed accessories♡👀✨✨

MIKKE ファンシー04


🌷Flower Garden

MIKKE 内装01



This cute space is covered in small shelves ♡

MIKKE ファンシー

With heart and key motifs, these accessories will tickle any girls heart…

MIKKE ファンシー フラワー

You can even find a delicate selection of Herbarium…!💓🌷

🌼White Dresser


A floral space filled with white dressers✨
Elegant items are lined up on each shelves.

MIKKE イヤリング02

Earrings are one of the most commonly found items in MIKKE!

MIKKE イヤリング

Many of these earrings are one-of-a-kind…
Maybe they were made just for you…?💕

MIKKE ファンシー 03

The perfect present ♡

Find out what the owner thinks!

MIKKE 作家紹介00
MIKKE 作品紹介

MIKKE believes that the bond between the creator and customer is extremely important✨
In order to strengthen that bond,
The owner writes a description for creator,
Introducing them to the customer!

If you’re looking for a gift,
Just say the world and the owner will help you find the perfect present,
Plus it’s fun to hear more about each item and creator 💗

I’ve found something wonderful..!

A store where both the customers and creators are happy~

MIKKE くまのファンシーぬいぐるみ
You could spend hours exploring this mysterious shop…
If you’re looking for a gentle, cute, and warm atmosphere,
Head on down to MIKKE 💕


Address💌: Tokyo, Meguro, Jiyugaoka 2-15-10, A&D House 1F
Opening Hours: 11:00〜19:00
Holidays: Closed Wednesdays

Official Homepage
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Official Blog


“ときめきを届ける”女の子向け情報メディア、『Lafary(ラファリー)』が手掛ける通販サイト『Lafary Shop(ラファリーショップ)』❤︎

